Undergraduate Admission
    Graduate Admission

    Featured Student

    Name: Erfan Setork
    Major: Information Technology and Management
    Specialization: Management Information Systems
    Current Level of Study: Graduate
    Undergraduate Graduation Date: May 2012
    Hometown: Tehran, Iran

    Tell us your story:
    After graduating from Neuqua Valley High School in 2008, I wasn't 100% sure of what I wanted to do, so I went to College of DuPage. After taking my general education classes for 2 years and researching a bunch of different schools and programs, I decided to pursue the ITM program at IIT. I always knew I wanted to do something with computers, I just didn't know exactly what. In IIT's Information Technology and Management program I gained a full understanding of all the different aspects of information technology and I found my true passion of networking. I want to further advance my knowledge in this field through industry work experience and pursue my Master's Degree.

    Where do you work?

    Textura Corporation

    Job Title:
    Production Support Analyst

    What interested you about IIT?

    Mainly the opportunity to gain valuable experience from industry experienced professionals and the ITM program which provides a complete understanding of all the aspects of Information Technology.

    MP3 Steganalysis

    Favorite tech item:

    Apple iPhone

    Your proudest ITM moment:
    Being inducted into Gamma Nu Eta and graduating with honors.

    If I could do 1 thing over again it would be...
    Put a lot more emphasis on programming. Even if you aren't going to be a programmer, you must put a HUGE effort in programming (especially ITM 411) and fully understand it because it will help you in other aspects of information technology.

    Biggest challenge:
    Balancing out all my academics, work, and social life.

    What do you want to do when you graduate?
    I want to gain more industry experience while pursuing my Master's Degree to make me a more qualified IT professional in the future.

    Advice for other students:
    Treat the IIT career fair as one of the most important days of your life. It will open a lot of opportunities if your play your cards right. It is how I found my job. Also, follow your true passion and make sure you know exactly which aspect of IT you want to focus on because this is what you will be doing for the REST OF YOUR LIFE.

    Something that others should know about you:

    Not all IT students are nerds!

    Is it okay for other students to contact you at your IIT email?
    Yes, esetork@hawk.iit.edu

    More from Erfan:
    Never sell yourself short, I don't want to sound cliché but always reach for the stars because sky's the limit when it comes to your dreams and goals.