Undergraduate Admission
    Graduate Admission

    Featured Student

    Name: Jason Choe
    Major: Information Technology and Management
    Specialization: Mobile Application, UI, UX
    Level of Study: Undergraduate
    Anticipated Graduation Date: May 2013
    Hometown: Morton Grove, IL

    Tell us your story:
    I have decided to come back to school during this recession/depression times in our economy. I hated school when I was in High School and decided school wasn’t for me and started a business in Evanston called the Potion Liquid Lounge when I was 20 years old. Since then I have gone through many business ventures and many different jobs. Taking risks in business and in life has had its ups and downs but always left me thinking about going back to school. I started to take classes at Oakton Community College where I found some great professors that encouraged me to enjoy studying again. I was able to take a lot of classes to find out which direction I wanted to go.  During a college fair, I found out about IIT. I knew right away that IIT was the school I wanted to go to.

    I’ve been a real estate broker for about 8 years but I have always been interested in the internet and have attempted and failed at start-up companies. I knew I needed discipline and more structure to be an entrepreneur. It is almost the end of my second semester in the ITM program and already I have found many new doors and opportunities that I will be pursuing.

    Where do you work?
    IIT Rice Campus & Celebrity Properties

    Job title?
    Student Assistant & Associate Broker

    What interested you about IIT?

    First of all, it’s in Chicago and right across the street from my favorite baseball team. Secondly, it’s an engineering school where ideas are made into reality. I always wanted to be an inventor and this school was ideal for me to gain structure and learn the know-how to implement my ideal with the resources provided here at IIT.

    The concept of IPRO (Interprofessional Projects Program) has always been fascinating. (Haven't taken one yet) I like the fact that the school provides support to students’ ideas and creates a class around it. I also enjoy working for Jeremy Hajek, Computer System Manager, doing research and development of new cloud technologies and hands-on tasks of doing random IT job.

    Favorite tech item:

    Uhmm...I love it all! I guess if I had to choose, I would have to say the mobile tablets. I do like my iPad but looking to move on to an Asus Transformer Prime which runs the Andriod OS.

    Your proudest ITM moment:
    Getting good grades and starting ITMO (IT Management Organization).

    If I could do 1 thing over again it would be…
    Play more football, basketball, and volleyball.

    Biggest challenge:
    To live a righteous life everyday.

    What do you want to do when you graduate?
    I would like to develop and create useful technology to enhance people’s lives. I would like to obtain a position in a company where I can be creative and useful to other’s needs.

    Advice for other students:
    Network and meet a lot of people. College is not just for knowledge but to gain relationships as well. Join ITMO, an organization created by students in the ITM major, and be active. Many new opportunities will arise from this. Pray always and trust in the Lord.

    Something that others should know about you:

    I love to cook and bake. I used to own a bakery called Love Always Cafe in Winnetka, IL and was named top pastry chef of the Northshore. 

    Is it okay for other students to contact you at your IIT email?
    Yes, jchoe3@hawk.iit.edu