Undergraduate Admission
    Graduate Admission

    Featured Student

    Name: Romain Gallais
    Major: Information Technology and Management
    Specialization: Voice and Data communication
    Level of Study: Graduate
    Anticipated Graduation Date: August 2012
    Hometown: Martigues, France

    Tell us your story:
    I was selected to come as an exchange student for my 5th and final year. I am in the Master's of Information Technology and Management Program at IIT. I will graduate from IIT in August and will automatically validate my graduation from my school of engineering in France. This is a great opportunity for me to study in a different school, meet new professors, learn different things and get involved in many new projects. This year at IIT is also giving me a very valuable international experience.

    What interested you about IIT?

    The opportunity to work with industry professors and the many projects opportunities IIT offers.

    Next Generation 911 - The ESINet Program also called NG911 studies the functional elements, architectures, protocols and underlying networks carrying emergency services over IP infrastructure. My group and I are currently building an entire functional system on the main campus Real-Time Communications Lab. Our project is a small part of a bigger project that involves other universities.

    Favorite tech item:

    Definitely the iPad

    Your proudest ITM moment:
    I don't really have one. I just feel proud of myself when I present and talk about my project achievements during the student colloquium organized each semester at the Rice Campus.

    What do you want to do when you graduate?
    Work as an engineer in field of Voice and Data communication technologies, in the United States or in a foreign country.

    Advice for other students:

    • Especially for foreign students that don't have the opportunity to work off campus, I would definitely recommend finding a job on campus. Working on campus as a Teaching Assistant is the best way to get to know your professors better, and gain a lot of experience in your field of study. Working on campus will also help you feel more involved in the IIT community.
    • IIT is a great place to meet people from all over the world. You should try to get involved in some IIT organizations to meet new people and discover new things.
    • Chicago is an amazing city and a great place to have fun. Study hard but do not forget to relax and spend some time around the city with your friends.

    Something that others should know about you:

    I am currently working on campus, as a Teaching Assistant, for the Telecommunications Over Data Networks (VoIP) class. I prepare weekly lab assignments for students and help them during their lab. The most challenging part of my job is to troubleshoot problems before the student come to the lab. This is a great way for me to gain experience in my field of interest. I really like swimming at the sports center, it helps me relax and be in good shape.

    Is it okay for other students to contact you at your IIT email?
    Sure, I'll be glad to help you. Do not hesitate to contact me: rgallais@hawk.iit.edu