Undergraduate Admission
    Graduate Admission

    Featured Student

    Name: Bill Wesselman
    Major: Information Technology and Management
    Specialization: Systems Administration and Security
    Level of Study: Undergraduate
    Anticipated Graduation Date: January 2014
    Hometown: Chicago, IL

    Tell us your story:
    I attended junior high school when an 8086 processor was cutting edge; served 10 years in the US Navy; worked for 13 years as a performance engineer in the cellular telephone industry. Eventually I was let go when the economy tanked in 2009 and someone asked, "Why does our senior engineer only have an Associate's degree?"

    Where do you work:

    Illinois Institute of Technology - Rice Campus

    Job Title:
    Student Assistant

    What interested you about IIT?

    One of the highest ranked tech schools in the state, and the rice campus is close to my home.

    Real Time Communications Conference 2011, Project Winter 2011, Hard drive configuration speed testing. My personal favorite so far is the speed testing.

    Favorite tech item:

    My favorite items are my HappyHacker Keyboard Lite 2, and my HP48G calculator (20 years old, and still ranked among the top 10 best graphical calculators).

    Your proudest ITM moment:
    Being elected President of Gamma Nu Eta.

    If I could do 1 thing over again it would be…
    Actually applying myself to my studies in high school.

    Biggest challenge:
    Maintaining my 4.0 GPA and still finding time to enjoy activities outside of school.

    What do you want to do when you graduate?
    Help companies properly secure financial and personal information.

    Advice for other students:
    Practice converting binary, octal, and hexadecimal to and from decimal by hand until you can do it in your head.

    Something that others should know about you:

    I occasionally ask myself, "What would Jack Burton do?"

    Is it okay for other students to contact you at your IIT email?
    Of course, wwesselm@hawk.iit.edu

    More from Bill:
    Anything worth knowing should be documented. Being able to teach yourself is great, but no one will believe you unless it shows up on your transcript. Get all of the degrees and certifications that you can.